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Mission and Vision


To educate, empower, and inspire responsible citizens and life-long learners through positive relationships, rigorous and engaging learning experiences, and a supportive environment everyday. 


All Wallace Middle School students will be ready to succeed in high school. 

Core Values: 

Positivity- Maintain a positive, growth-oriented mindset. 
Respect- Respect the differences we all possess.
Integrity- Make the right choice even when no one is watching. 
Determination- Never give up.
Excellence- Strive to be your best every day. 

Lion's Creed:

We will:

  • Hold high expectation for teaching and learning.
  • Provide a safe, positive, and supportive learning environment.
  • Meet the academic, social, and emotional needs of all students. 
  • Promote equity in practice and resources.
  • Embody the WPS Portrait of a Graduate. 
  • Engage families and the community as educational partners. 

The Story Behind the Wallace Lion PRIDE:

In the fall of 2019, we worked to re-imagine our school's core values. We searched for an acronym that was multi-dimensional-- one that represented not only our core values, but also the majesty, strength, and courage represented by our Lion mascot as well as the desired family and team aspects of our school community. 

The word PRIDE does just that! Scientifically, a "lion pride" is a family unit of anywhere from 2 to 40 lions. Symbolically, the word PRIDE represents our core values of Positivity, Respect, Integrity, Determination, and Excellence. Metaphorically, the word "pride" reminds us to be proud of what we do each day, to remain strong, to be courageous, and that we are all connected on the same team and family. 

Our team is proud of you! Be proud you are a Wallace Lion!